Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jeopardy in Jeopardy?

This is our 100th post, people and with the news we heard today (ie Alex Trebek had a heart attack)-- I find it fitting that it's about Alex. Of course, I really wish it were under better circumstances but this post is a get well note.

Dear Alex,
I just heard that news that you are not well and we at LNJ/AALNJ wish you a speedy recovery and all the best. Also, no rush to get back to taping straight away. Get better first-- reruns are fine for a little while-- so many classics out there. (see prev posts)

Enjoy the flowers and no, I am not crazy!

The gang at lastnightsjeopardy


Glen said...

"Enjoy the flowers and no, I am not crazy!"

You sure about that?

Liza said...

nope, not really. but blogs lie. what are you? my fact checker?