That'd be me. Why else would there only be photos up here for a week with absolutely no dialogue? You might think I was so overwhelmed by the fun that was had last Saturday. But fun is not the type of thing to overwhelm me. Maybe over scheduling myself like I am some 8 year old taking chess lessons, violin lessons while also being on the soccer, volleyball and tennis teams is likely to overwhelm me. (I know no such 8 year old but I imagine one like this does exist and I only wish him/her the best in dealing with his/her crazy parents in the future)
But today's Saturday and last week at this time, there was fun!
We met our guests at the SE corner of 50th and 6th Avenue so as not to get involved in whatever clusterf*cks might have been awaiting us at the very Radio City Music Hall corner. It was a fairly wise move since as we approached the entrance of Radio City Music Hall there were about five security guards (cops? - doubtful) keeping people-traffic moving and directing Jeopardy fans where to go based on their status. Had I received tickets in the mail I would have low class status (I made that classification up myself) and would have stood on line in the cold (comparatively - it was about 50 degrees and windy compared to the Friday before's almost 80 and sunny!). The line started at the NE corner of 50th and 6th and headed east. We, with our now Will Call status, soon to be called VIP status(!), were instructed to head into Radio City Music Hall to receive our tickets. We walked up to the table (no line, just two men sitting behind it) and after some Rauch, Shevitz Rauch debate, the tickets were found and inside we went.
We stood where we were told to stand based on a large sign that said, VIP BLUE DOT. (Our tickets each had a blue dot sticker.) There were about 10 people in front of us. Anyway, this post is not about lines! (well, so far it is and it shouldn't be)
So the doors open and we are directed to our seats - 7th row on the viewers right hand side. Once the curtain goes up we see the contestant podiums and we are standing parallel to them so it is kinda hard to see (in person) the third contestant. (and when I say third contestant it is really the contestant on the left for a TV viewer).
All of this doesn't matter because there are two huge - like so huge I couldn't even guess how many inches - HD TV screens hanging on the sides of the stage. I can see the one on the left perfectly and I see the board of squares perfectly as well.
So, back to the timeline though. We are sitting by about 10:15 knowing the taping doesn't start until 11. Ho hum. We read our Playbills which lists the 30 contestant/celebrities to take part in the Radio City fun. Jeremy and I had already seen this list via the Jeopardy Web site a few days back but my dad (guest #3) and I read through it. As he gets to Rachael Ray there is a slight groan - by both of us and we determine that would probably be the worst guest to see. I turn to Jeremy and we also confer that would be the worst out of the 30 to watch. Then, a couple behind us, as I eavesdrop, says to one another, "Oh gee, I really hope one of the contestants is not Rachael Ray!" So glad that is settled.
So, first there is a "rehearsal". Johnny Gilbert or some other Jeopardy man comes out to tell us the three contestants will be coming out and Jimmy (of Clue Crew fame) will be acting as Alex and the three celebs will get a chance to practice with the buzzer and practice selecting clues, etc. The categories and clues will be different in the real game - - the real game for which the celebs play for their "favorite" charity. Favorite charity seems like a weird semi-oxymoronic term. I like homeless people more than I like people with AIDS. Or I would like people with Breast Cancer to et cured prior to people with Alzheimer's. Hmm. . . favorite charity is definitely not the right term. How about "charity of choice"?
So, let me cut to some sort of chase so this "Who is Lazy?" posting does not become the posting that never was posted.
First Harry Shearer walks out. And next Isaac Mizrahi. At this point I am so happy and clapping wildly and just so . . . happy that we haven't seen Rachael Ray yet. Then as the doors open for Isaac Mizrahi I see a female figure with long brown hair in the background. Can it be? Fo' real?! I panic. My heart skips and beat and then
YES! Soledad O'Brien of CNN (or See "NN", a category later in the real game), appears!
So, the show will be aired on Nov 14. And if you have any questions about the taping, feel free to let me know.
Editor's Note: This "Who is Lazy?" posting was started one week after the Radio City Hall extravaganza and finally finished on the first day of airing of the Celebrity Jeopardy tapings. The one we watched is on November 14!
1 comment:
I feel like you got this post finished in the nick of time! I mean Celeb jeop just started...a few days from now the points would have been moot. Seems like you just went to the taping and they're showing it a week later. Can't wait to watch it! And don't be so hard on yourself about laziness-- I haven't posted in a jeozillion days...well there is no jeopardy here so I guess I will say that in my defense.
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