So - we don't have a splitter right now which means we can't be online wirelessly using the cable modem and watch TV (using the cable line) at the same time. Living with a techie means
No TV = No Jeopardy.
That's the bottom line.
Jeremy's no longer working from home (overall, this is a good thing BUT now I can never call him up in the middle of the day if I am at school and say things like, "Um. . there's a good Oprah on today that I wanted to see, can you Tivo it?!"). Plus starting today I, too now have a place to be at a certain time on certain days. In other words - a part-time job.
So, it was actually probably a nice thing that we couldn't snap on the TV while eating dinner but rather, we caught up on our trivia question-a-day calendars of which we have two for 2006. We have a Jeopardy one (duh) and a Trivial Pursuit one as well. One was a gift, the other we picked up a few days later when we saw it half price (post-January 1) at Barnes and Noble.
We had been neglectful of them for about two weeks so we have several questions to read and answer all at once. It was a bevy of trivia here at the new place!
We prefer the Jeopardy one (again, duh) because it usually has three to five questions in a row of the same category and you can really get into a groove that way (trust me). The Trivial Pursuit questions are all out of nowhere and pretty random.
Plus, the Jeopardy ones always have some sort of connection to something going on.
For example, last night's holiday celebration was spent at another Jeopardy-loving household and trivia talk came up. In fact, one of Jeremy's trivia partners was there along with another soon-to-be trivia partner. This soon-to-be trivia partner is a Canadian native (no, it wasn't Alex!) and the hope is that all Canadian questions will be answered quickly (and correctly) by him once he joins the team later this month.
Well, wouldn't you know it?! The Jeopardy category for the dates of approximately June 25 through June 30 was Canadian Provinces. Oh, how we wish Avi were in our messy, box-infested living room right then! But he wasn't so we trudged through and we did miserably.
By the end, Jeremy just kept saying, Newfoundland? And unfortunately that was never the correct
So, that event being done, of course I had to write about it right away. And yes, the main reason being is that I should be studying.
I have a final tomorrow night. A final for a class in which I have missed the past two sessions. A final in which I could really bomb especially since I was hardcore at the beginning of June and rocked the midterm. A final that I really wish was next Thursday and not tomorrow Thursday.
Now dear reader, I hope you have enjoyed tonight's tales from Brooklyn (for the first time!). Procrastination Part Deux is officially ending right now.
1 comment:
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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